Yesterday was a friend of ours' son's 6th birthday party, and he had it at the rollarena. Jaden absolutely LOVED it. He got really pissed when we made him take his skates off. It was tiring on Chris's back to go around the rink keeping Jaden up. I only went around the rink once with Jaden, and it hurt my back. Jaden did manage to walk around in his skates on the carpet without help. Jaden even got up all by himself, from sitting on the floor to standing up. We were very impressed. We can't wait to get him skates this summer and ice skates for Christmas. Hockey here we come!
This isn't the best quality picture - I had to lighten it up in Photoshop.
I gave Carson his first taste of juice today (mostly water with a dab of juice), because it had been nearly 3 days since he had a bowel movement. Carson refuses bottles, so I decided to give it to him in one of Jaden's old sippies that he never liked. Carson loved the fact that he could do it himself, and he actually drank out of the sippy without fighting it (like he does bottles). Carson holding it by himself makes him look all grown up. =( This is something Jaden never did. Jaden was lazy, and never held his bottles. When it was time to put him on a sippy he ended up getting the straw ones, because he didn't know how to tip a sippy (or bottle) to get the liquid out. Carson doing this at only 5 and a half months old is awesome! are some pictures.
And just in case any of you were wondering, the apple juice did it's job, and he had a dirty diaper within the next hour and a half.
This is one of the toys Carson got for Christmas. This is the best spot for him to sit without his bumbo, and this is what he does. He gnaws on a "leaf" that's over the hippo. I guess it feels good on his gums. A couple of the pictures are a bit blurry, because I took the pictures without the flash and without a tripod. They were still cute, though!
When Carson woke up yesterday morning Jaden wanted to see him. I helped Jaden into the crib, and the two of them played for a few minutes. When it was time to get out of the crib, Jaden obviously didn't want to, as you can see in the last picture. It was nice to see my two boys playing together nicely. Jaden wasn't pushing Carson out of the way, and Carson was just all smiles for his big brother.
I actually took these pictures a few days ago, but here they are. I was trying to get some pictures of Carson's chub. Most of his chub is in his thighs. I love my chunky monkey!
Carson is almost 5 and a half months old, so I figured I'd try to start teaching him how to sit. Jaden was sitting like a pro at 5 months, so having a baby not sitting now is a little different for me. I know Carson's in no way behind, but I figured if he could sit, for even a tiny bit, I'd see what happened. Carson did rather well! He only toppled over a couple times, one of which I didn't quite catch him (but he was okay). He did like to lean forward quite a bit - mostly to support himself with his hands in front of him - but I would sit him back up straight.
Here's a short video I took, the other day, of Jaden playing with Carson. Just a heads up - cheekies = cheeks, and Jaden calls Carson a kid before he says Carson's name then baby.
I was just having fun with Carson the other day after waking up from his morning nap. He loves to be leaned up against the railing and standing up. Sorry about some of the pictures, as I took the last 5 with the flash off and me holding the camera. I am not as steady as a tri-pod ;)
Jaden's friend, Exzavier, got Jaden some play-doh for his birthday. I finally decided, today, to let my fears, of him making a mess and eating it, go. He did try and pretend to eat it, but I'm glad he didn't go through with it, lol. What he's doing in the pictures he did all by himself. He saw me do it, and he did it himself after that. He called it cheese coming out of there, but again, luckily he didn't eat it. He did get some on the floor, but only teenie, tiny pieces, and he didn't rub it into the floor, so we were good.
For this tag I have to post the 4th picture in my 4th album. I have two places I have picture folders, so I chose this one. This was at the boat races we have here every July. This was the first time I ever got to go to the boat races (July 30, 2006). I was 18w6d pregnant with Jaden this particular day (Sunday, which is the last day). Working for Red Lion, the company always used to have a private "tent" right on the water every year. This was the last year they did that, and it was great that I got to be that close! We also got free pit passes, and that is where this picture was taken. It was so awesome to see the Hydroplanes up this close!
The only person I can think of to tag that *might* do it is my sister, so we'll see if she does it, haha!
Carson turned 5 months old today! He's getting so big! I measured him at 26.5 inches long and a little over 16 lbs. He is rolling all over the place now, but still doesn't really have any interest in sitting up - he'd rather stand. Here are some pics I took today. His new thing to do is stick his tongue out sideways. He is also getting a little more used to his bumbo seat. he still doesn't really like it, but he will stay in it quite a bit longer now before getting fussy and wanting out.
Jaden got up onto the couch and put his arm around Carson. After a minute of being cute Jaden decided he was done. He moved over a little bit, so I put Carson on top of him. Carson was just loving it. He really does love his older brother. Everytime he hears Jaden's voice, or sees Jaden, he is looking and smiling. Jaden can always calm Carson down.