Today was such a beautiful day! First, Chris's parents stopped by. Jaden just had to get on the bike and play.
Jaden was so nice, he even let Carson take a picture with him.

Jaden then had to play with Grandma's helmet (which is actually Chris's old helmet)

He was playing peek-a-boo

Then, instead of a nap for Jaden, we went to the park a few blocks away. Carson got to be in a swing for the first time, and for the most part, he liked it.

Carson also went down the slide for the first time. He didn't ever show that he didn't like it, but he didn't show he loved it, either. He didn't scream, so I guess that was a good thing.

Jaden kept begging to get on the big swings, so I finally got him up on one. He liked the big swing much better than the "baby" swing.

I hope this weather is here to stay! I can't wait until we get our swing set built, because we will be spending a LOT of time outside (which Jaden will LOVE).
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