Carson turned a month old today. Time went by so fast! He was 8 lbs 1 oz and 21.5 inches long when he was born. When we left the hospital, the next day, he was 7 lbs 13 oz. He had a doctor's appointment on August 25, making him 3 weeks and 2 days old. He was a whopping 9 lbs 10 oz, and 21.75 inches long. In three weeks he had gained nearly two pounds! He's a very good eater and a very good sleeper. Here are the pictures I took of him today. Sorry - I'm not the best photographer in the world, but I try, haha.
Boy is he getting big! He is just so cute!!! Emma will be a month on Monday! Can believe how time flies and our pregnancies seemed to drag on forever!
I still can't figure out who he looks like! Even so he is just a cutie pie
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