Monday, December 21, 2009

What we've been up to lately

So, I started a blog a couple weeks ago, and I never got around to actually doing anything with it. We got wrapped up in more unpacking and cleaning stuff around the house and getting the basement ready to be a playroom. I was also still in my first trimester of this third pregnancy, and when the boys napped I was napping as well. I was just too tired and exhausted to do a whole lot of anything else.

Here is Carson sitting in the crock pot. Sure enough, the second I go to get my camera he starts to get out. He was all the way sitting down in it, silly boy.

After I took a picture of Carson, Jaden asked me to take his picture. He's so weird when he gets his picture taken these days.

This was after baths one night. Carson had sneaked over to Daddy's computer (Chris stuck the sticker on Carson's head). This is his cheeser picture,

and this is him thinking he knows what he's doing, lol.

This was the following night around 6:15pm. Yes, they are the same pj's as the above picture - we had a pajama day. Carson had refused and refused his second nap, and he was non-stop screaming. I couldn't take it anymore, so I gave in and offered to nurse him. He gladly took it and passed out in less than a minute. He only took maybe a 30 minute nap, but it was a much needed 30 minute nap. I didn't want him taking a much longer nap, anyway, because I wanted him to go to bed at a decent hour.

This is the boys jumping on their beds. I had stripped the beds so I could wash their sheets, and when I came back upstairs they were having so much fun, so I took a video.

This day Carson was having a ball playing in the stroller.

He was having so much fun he was saying, "Weeeeee, weeeeee!"

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