Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day! Jaden woke up nice and early, and Chris got up with him. Too bad Carson woke up 20 minutes later, lol. I had even fallen back to sleep! I wasn't expecting Carson to wake up until around 8am, since he woke up, and ate, at 4am and 6am, but he seems to know when Daddy is home and awake. I apologize in advance for all the pictures, but I'm tired, and I didn't feel like sorting through them.

Here is Carson at my mom's house.

We stopped by to visit Chris's grandparents.

Then we made it to Chris's parents' house. We tried to get a good family picture, but Jaden never wants to cooperate for pictures anymore.

I wanted a couple pictures of the boys together, and Jaden was just being all sorts of goofy. He just had to sit in this plant holder thing (his "chair").

Jaden was "all done" with pictures and decided to bring Carson down with him.

Since it was Mother's Day, I wanted a picture of me with my babies. This was the one and only shot we got.

We were about to leave, and Carson decided to pull himself up. Jaden was watching Cars.

Carson passed out in the car on the way home. He stayed out for almost another hour (until I got up and down from the couch enough times). Chris got this picture.

I hope every Mommy had a wonderful, happy Mother's Day!

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